Bastian and Kenzie Engagements

October 24, 2018

“Bastian and I met playing soccer at BYU-Idaho. I had played with a group of my friends for a semester already so I was not expecting that someone new would come and join our team. One night I went to play and when I was getting ready to enter the game there was two new people I had never seen before. I walked over to them and introduced myself. One of them was so cute and I liked him immediately. We started talking every time we would play soccer together (which turned into every night for 2 weeks). Then one night I got a text message from his asking if he could call me. So I said yes, of course! And that was when he asked me on our first date! We went out every night after that and then on our 4th date, he asked me to be his “polola” Which in Chilean Spanish means girlfriend. I accepted and then we continued to spend time together and grow our relationship. I fell in love with him very quickly. We spent every second possible together.  He was so kind and patient with me. He always pays attention to the little things and those are the things that mean the most to me. I just loved having his cute sense of humor and laid back personality around me all the time. He pushed me to be better without doing anything. He was just such a good person overall, I couldn’t help but want to be better. After 5 of the best months I have ever had, he proposed to me. It was a total surprise. He had planned for all of our friends to go on a Sunday  walk (my favorite thing to do). We were out walking around and then one of them asked if we would like to have our picture taken. I agreed and then went to pose for the picture with Bastian. Next thing I know, Bastian is down on one knee asking me to marry him. We got all of  it on video, and documented with pictures. It was one of the most exciting moments I have ever felt. Knowing that I was officially his to marry. I WAS SO EXCITED. I love him more and more everyday, and I have no idea how it’s possible. He is my absolute best friend and I can not wait to spend eternity with him. “

Do you want to be a KOP Bride?! Message me today and let’s get in touch!


 Kylee Olivia



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