Simply Sauer | Dear Friends & Family

November 27, 2019

“When we open up about our emotional challenges, admitting we are not perfect, we give others permission to share their struggles. Together we realize there is hope and we do not have to suffer alone…”

-Reyna I. Alburto

The most common question we got asked even before we got married was when were the babies coming haha! Now that we have been married for two years we get it constantly and we know how excited you are for grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends for your kids, cousins, etc. and we want NOTHING more than to share that with you! The truth is that we have been trying to grow our little family…unsuccessfully… for quite sometime. This past year has been the most trying time as we have struggled through the heartbreak of unsuccessfully trying to bring baby sauer into the world! It has been hard knowing the right timing of when to open up about this really big chapter of our life with friends and family! Part of us wanted to wait to talk about the storm until we finally reached the rainbow at the end but we feel like God has given us an opportunity through this trial to give hope and connection to other couples experiencing similar situations of heartbreak and confusion! We also wanted to update/educate the people we love and share some of our journey in the hopes of helping those walking a similar path to realize they are never alone.

First and foremost we want you all to know WE LOVE YOU! We know that many of you reading this are expecting a baby, have a home full of little ones, or are getting ready to start trying! Everyone is on a different path and we are SO happy for those you getting to experience the joys of starting and raising a family! Our sharing is not intended for you to feel sorry for us rather our goal is to educate people on what it is like being the 1 in 8 that struggle with infertility. As well as giving hope and support to those walking the same path as us!

We want everyone to know that for us starting a family isn’t a matter of “relaxing” or “not stressing”. On December 5th we are meeting with experts in infertility to begin the next chapter of our story! We are excited/anxious/nervous (haha all the emotions) to meet with them and outline our treatment plans and learn more about our infertility! Although we have no clue what awaits us we are learning to trust in the future and God’s timing.

Our biggest task right now is learning how to find joy, peace and patience in our season of waiting! The emotional and physical pain that we have experienced the past few months have been incredibly difficult yet through it all we have felt the love that God has for us. He is always reminding us that He is aware of us and has not forgotten the desires of our hearts no matter how alone we may feel at times. We are so grateful for our amazing friends and family that have lifted us up the past year and who have been so patient and kind. There have been so many tender mercies and tiny miracles in our life. We know that God is real and loves us both. He feels our sorrow and our joy! He is the comforter and has shown that to us over and over the past year! Despite it all we have experienced a lot of joy the past few months as we have learned to trust in the unknown, live life to the fullest while waiting, and cope with the rollercoaster of emotions infertility brings. We look forward to the future with faith.



  1. Boston says:

    You are amazing!! Thinking of you and your sweet family! Positive thoughts are coming your way!💕

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